East of Scotland Girls' Golfing Association
Membership Form 2020
Please print out this form
fill it in and send it with your subscription of £10 to
ESGGA Secretary: Amanda Easton 8a West Mill Road, Edinburgh EH13 0NX
fill it in and send it with your subscription of £10 to
ESGGA Secretary: Amanda Easton 8a West Mill Road, Edinburgh EH13 0NX
NB. To be a member of the East
of Scotland Girls' Golfing Association, you need to be -
- under 18 on 1st Jan 2020
- a junior member of one of the four county associations in the East of
Scotland,- and hold a CONGU handicap of 36 or less
Name .......................................................of Scotland Girls' Golfing Association, you need to be -
- under 18 on 1st Jan 2020
- a junior member of one of the four county associations in the East of
Scotland,- and hold a CONGU handicap of 36 or less
CONGU Handicap ......................... CDH Number ...................................
Tel No ....................................................
Date of Birth .............................................
Home Club ..............................................
Name of Home Club Junior Secretary/convenor ...................................................
County Association.....................................................................................
Email Address ..............................................................................................
I enclose my Subscription of Ten Pounds (£10) for
Membership of the East of Scotland Girls' Golfing Association.
(Cheque preferred)
Signed ..............................................