Monday, August 26, 2024

Photos from Longniddry Competitions

We had an enjoyable day at Longniddry for our Autumn Meeting and 9 hole Competition. Thank you to Longniddry G C for courtesy of the course and for a warm welcome in the Clubhouse. Thank you to Shona Paton, East Lothian Junior Secretary for arranging for us to play at Longniddry and for starting the girls at the first tee.

Well done to all the girls who played today. Everyone completed their round and there were some excellent scores in spite of the challenging conditions. Lovely to see you all still smiling at the end of your round 😊.

A huge thank you to all the parents who bring the girls to the competitions and encourage their golf. Thank to all the girls who have played in our events this year. Your support is much appreciated. Thank you everyone - your golf has been impressive and a joy to watch ! ⛳️🏌️‍♀️👏🏻👏🏻

Autumn Meeting 

Erin & Abigail 

Louise, Ava and Lara

Katie, Summer and Anna

Olivia & Maisie 

Jessica Wood, Jessica Parsler & Alannah Nicol 

9 Hole Competition 

Sophie & Lucy

Ava, Beth and Niamh